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2022-07-15 13:28:54 By : Mr. Devin He

SAVANNAH, Ga. (WTOC) - If you explore the Starland District area in Savannah, you’ll notice it looks different due to revitalization.

One architectural firm has played a key role in breathing new life into this part of town.

The area that’s probably seen the most improvement is Bull Street between Victory and 37th. We’ve also seen a lot of development along De Soto Avenue between 40th and 41st Street.

Lominack Kolman Smith is the architectural firm that’s been responsible for a lot of the new development that you see in this area starting with Back in the Day Bakery. They’ve also designed other projects like the Starland Lofts, the Starlander Cafe, and Two Tides Brewery.

Now, the company is watching over the construction of their latest design project - Starland Yard, which is located at the corner of De Soto Avenue and 40th Street.

Kevin Rose, the design architect for this project, is also a resident in the Starland District. He says it’s amazing to see the progress that’s been made in this part of the city and he’s excited to debut the new Starland Yard.

Rose said food truck owners are excited for this new space. It will also feature a new permanent restaurant called Vittoria Pizzeria, outdoor seating, a full-service bar, a stage for musical performances and a bacci court.

Rose said those who have been working on the project are excited to offer something that can’t be found anywhere else in Savannah.

"The locals don't have to go all the way downtown. As someone who is lived in this area for a very long time, I appreciate that. It's something that could be a hub for this neighborhood. We could see other events, larger food truck events, concerts, and other things,” the project architect, Kevin Rose, said.

Starland Yard also pays homage to the city’s thriving port. Rose said they decided to incorporate re-purposed containers into the design.

The Port of Savannah is one of the busiest ports in the country, so they didn’t have trouble finding the materials. Over 30 re-purposed shipping containers are incorporated into this design.

Six of them will house the new pizzeria. Other containers are being used for the full-service bar.

Starland Yard should open by the end of this month.

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